About date formatting

Date formatting in Clibor follows the FormatDateTime function in Delphi.
For example, the year can be displayed as a four-digit format using yyyy.

Examples of date formatting:

FormatExample OutputDescription
yyyy/mm/dd2024/7/1Year/Month/Day (4-digit year)
yy/mm/dd2024/7/1Year/Month/Day (2-digit year)
dddd, mmmm dMonday, July 1Full weekday, full month, day
mm/dd/yyyy07/01/2024U.S. date format
dd.mm.yy01.07.24European date format (2-digit year)
hh:nn:ss14:30:45Time in hours, minutes, seconds
yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss2024/7/1 14:30ISO-style format

For more details, please search “Delphi FormatDateTime”.

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