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Download the latest version

Download “Clibor 2.3.4E” – 2.3.4e – 1.90 MB

Please download Clibor only from my official website and refrain from redistributing the software.
If you would like to share Clibor with others, kindly share the link to this official download page instead.
This ensures that everyone can access the latest, most secure version.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The supported languages are:

  • English
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • French
  • Portuguese

Clibor automatically matches the Windows display language.

Alternatively, you can manually change the language in the settings.

Please refer to the steps below for the update procedure:

For details about the update history, please visit the following page:

If you’d like to help improve the translation, please visit the page below:

Download Previous Versions

If the latest version of Clibor is unstable, you may want to download and use a previous version instead.

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I’m an IT engineer who enjoys sharing insights on coding and technical topics at my own pace.
I specialize in web app, Windows/Mac app, and mobile app development using various programming languages, including Java, PHP, JavaScript, Swift, Python, and C#.

My personal projects include Clibor, Quipha, and TXT-Crypter.

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