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Download the latest version

Download “Clibor for Mac” Clibor.dmg – v1.4 – 33.36 MB

It can also be installed by command using Homebrew.

$ brew install --cask clibor

I have seen some sites distributing Clibor without permission.
Downloading from such sites is dangerous, so please download from this page.

Please refer to the following for installation instructions.

Please refer to the following for version upgrades.

For Windows version, please see below.

Terms of Use

Please read the Terms of Use before using Clibor.

Download older versions

If the latest version of Clibor is unstable, please use the older versions.

Support and donations

Clibor is free software, but support and donations are welcome.

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(Java, PHP, Javascript, Swift, Python, C#, 他)
個人開発:Clibor, Quipha, TXT-Crypter
Kindle本: Laravel9 実践入門, 他

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