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How to Manage Your Passwords with Notion [Password Encryption]

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What do you all use for password management?

There are password managers available, but this time we have compiled examples of management using Notion.


I used to use Evernote but have now migrated to Notion.
I have summarized the reasons for this, please also see the following article.

If you are considering migrating from Evernote to Notion, please refer to the following article.

About Password Manager

There are a variety of applications that can manage passwords, including dedicated password managers (e.g., 1Password), password managers in browsers such as Chrome, and iCloud keychains on the iPhone.

Advantages include

  • Login information can be linked across multiple devices, including PCs and smartphones.
  • You can enter your password directly from the application to the browser.
  • In addition to passwords, some applications can also manage information such as addresses.

In addition to password managers, some may also use Notion or Evernote to manage their passwords.

In all cases, passwords should be kept in a safe place.
In particular, do not use passwords repeatedly, as the possibility of unauthorized use is very high.

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Manage your passwords with Notion


Personally, I do not use a password manager and use Notion to manage my passwords for the following reasons
(I used to use Evernote to manage them)

  • I want to centrally manage all my passwords and other information with Notion.
  • We want to manage all confidential information such as IDs, passwords, secret questions, my number, credit card numbers, addresses, phone numbers, and secret keys (files) for server logins.
  • I also want to include the history of when and for what purpose I registered, when I changed my password, and whether I have already canceled my membership.

One disadvantage is that you have to open Notion every time you want to log in and check your login.
In my case, I also use the browser’s save function for frequently used login information.

In this article, we will show you how to manage your personal passwords.
Please note that this is just an example.


The sample page we will be creating is available to the public.
Please access the following to check it out.

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
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Database Creation

Notion’s database is really useful!
By adding properties, you can manage them conveniently.

First, let’s create a database.
We have created a database called “Personal Information.”

Add properties (columns), but in my case I do not add “ID” or “password” columns.
This is because there is more than just ID and password to manage.

The list is as follows.

NameSet an easy-to-understand name, such as a site name.
ImportanceSet the importance level.
For example, accounts registered on a trial basis are set to “low” to distinguish them from those used frequently.
CategorySet the category.
Personal InformationSome accounts require you to enter your work information, phone number, and address.
If your workplace, phone number, or address changes, set it up so that you can find the information that needs to be changed.
BillingCheck the boxes for the services you are charging for.
CreatedDisplay the date and time of creation.
It is useful to know the date the account was created.
UpdatedDisplays the update date.
This is useful because the update date changes when you change your password or add something.

Password Management

Passwords will be listed on each page.
Click “Open.”

The page details the ID, password, secret question, and history.
For example, it is easier to understand later if you write down the history of your account if you have registered for a trial account.

For example, it is useful to consolidate your Yahoo account, Internet information (line provider, provider), etc. on one page and add supplementary information.
Personally, I found this usage useful and managed my password information in Notion and Evernote.

Creating Views

Finally, a view is created. It is useful to list by category.
Add a view.

Grouping was selected and “Categories” was chosen.

You can display information by category.

The convenience of Notion’s ability to use views to show different ways of presenting things!

Passwords are encrypted

Text encryption

The biggest obstacle to managing passwords outside of a password manager is that you are forced to store passwords in plain text.

Incidentally, Evernote has the ability to encrypt some text in a note.

Just a moment...

When the text is encrypted, the display will look like the following, and the original text will not be displayed unless the passphrase is entered.

I used to keep my passwords in Evernote and passwords were stored in encrypted text.

Encrypted text is protected by a passphrase to protect the notes from being seen by others.

For example, Evernote text encryption will encrypt data in a notebook as follows.
You can see that the en-crypt tag is encrypted.

<![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "">
<en-crypt cipher="AES" length="128">
<br /></div>

Of course, all communication between the client and server is encrypted, but when text is encrypted, it is synchronized with Evernote’s servers in encrypted form, so that even if a note is indeed leaked, the encrypted text is protected.

For Evernote text encryption, programming can be done to decrypt.
Please refer to the following article.

As for Notion, unlike Evernote, it does not have the ability to encrypt some text.
Therefore, the only way to store a set of IDs and passwords in Notion is to store them in plain text, which is a security risk.

For example

  • Notion’s data was illegally leaked.
  • The note was accidentally published.
  • Others operated my PC or phone and looked at Notion’s notebooks.

There is no possibility of seeing password management notes, such as

Of course, all communications between the client and server are encrypted, and companies use Notion’s high security, so there is no possibility of data leakage.
In the unlikely event of a data leakage, or if someone else were to take control of your PC and look at your notebook… it is a good idea to encrypt and save your passwords just in case.

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Utilize TXT-Crypter

We have created a service called TXT-Crypter that allows you to easily encrypt and decrypt text.
It is a bit of a hassle, but let’s use Evernote-like text encryption in Notion as well.

Here are some examples of utilization.

First, the actual created page is shown below.
Please confirm that the password part can be decrypted.

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's the all-in-one workspace for you and your team

First, access TXT-Crypter.

Easily encrypt and decrypt text to protect confidential information.

Enter the text you wish to encrypt, such as a password.
Also enter the passphrase for decryption.

In this case, we checked the “Keep decryption page simple” checkbox because we will be embedding it in Notion.

Click the “Encryption” button to generate the URL for decryption.
Click the Copy button and copy the URL.

Paste the copied URL into Notion using “Create embed”.

The following has been pasted.
This completes the process.

Click on the key icon to display the form for decryption.

It is recommended that the embed size be high enough to display this decryption form.

Text can be displayed by entering a passphrase.

This allows passwords to be stored in encrypted form, and there is no need to worry about others seeing them without a passphrase.

Once you have completed all the entries, lock the page.
It is recommended that you lock the page, as you will not be able to resize the embedded site.

How TXT-Crypter works

Text encryption/decryption is performed by the browser, and no passphrase or text to be encrypted is sent to the server.
Naturally, no data is stored on the server.

The encryption is similar to Evernote’s text encryption mechanism.
Text is encrypted with AES 256.

More information can be found at the following site.

Easily encrypt and decrypt text to protect confidential information.

The decryption URL holds encrypted information and can be decrypted with a passphrase.

Encrypt passwords with TXT-Crypter
  • Even if Notion’s data is leaked, the password is encrypted and cannot be decrypted.
  • Even if someone else operates the PC and sees Notion’s password management notebook, the password cannot be displayed without knowing the passphrase.

Using TXT-Crypter, you can encrypt and store your passwords securely.

Let’s export the note saved in Notion as a test.
You will see that no password is included, only the URL is pasted.

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Please refer to the following website for more information on safety.

Easily encrypt and decrypt text to protect confidential information.

TXT-Crypter is not a Notion-only service and can be used with other memo applications.

Also, some people may think that they will not be able to decrypt if this service is no longer available.

Wouldn’t it be a problem if the text-encrypted password could not be retrieved?

Text encrypted with TXT-Crypter can be decrypted manually.
HTML and source code for decryption is available.

With the decryption URL and passphrase, you can decrypt the file on your own PC.

Easily encrypt and decrypt text to protect confidential information.

Therefore, even in the unlikely event that TXT-Crypter is no longer available, the encrypted text will not be lost.
We hope you will make use of this service to improve your security.


In this issue, we summarize how to manage passwords in Notion.
Notion’s database is very useful and we recommend it.

As a personal example, we store passwords in encrypted form.
When managing passwords, be aware of security and utilize it.

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(Java, PHP, Javascript, Swift, Python, C#, 他)
個人開発:Clibor, Quipha, TXT-Crypter
Kindle本: Laravel9 実践入門, 他

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